If you have not heard about Chandoo's blog "Pointy Haired Dilbert", check it out NOW and dig this "Excel knowledge" mother lode.
In November 2009, Chandoo launched his second visualization challenge. 32 participants submitted their solutions of "Sales Team Dashboard", most of them using Excel.
150 readers voted for the best dashboard, and to my surprise (and delight !), the winner solutions were using Sparklines for Excel...
Alex used BulletChart(), Varichart(), StackedChart(), LineChart() and even Piechart() to create a simple yet comprehensive dashboard. Alex’s entry received 23 votes.
2nd place : Cuboo – who writes at Open BI, made this clear and well structured dashboard using MS Excel & Palo. Cuboo already won the previous visualization challenge. Cuboo’s entry received 22 votes.
I hope to have some spare time to participate to the next Challenge and show what can be achieved with SFE ...