Drop me a line if you are interested in testing the add-in, as I do not have the proper environment to do so.
The version to be tested is the last 3.9, with BumpChart() included.
Thanks in advance
A set of free User Defined Functions for Microsoft Excel® to create Sparklines :
the simple, intense, word-sized graphics invented by Edward Tufte & implemented by Fabrice Rimlinger.
Drop me a line if you are interested in testing the add-in, as I do not have the proper environment to do so.
The version to be tested is the last 3.9, with BumpChart() included.
Thanks in advance
Version 3.9.22062010 for Excel 2007 / 2010, both add-in and template file, is available for download under the coffe cup --------------->
Here is what changed since V 3.8
'11/03/2010 - Reactivated Turnmytrappingon in ThisWorkbook module
'11/03/2010 - LineChart : add Tag =8 and 9 for open or close tag
'29/04/2010 - Boxplot includes new parameter "HighlightValue" + "ShowMedian" by Art Steinmetz
'29/04/2010 - StripeChart includes new parameter "HighlightValue" + "ShowMedian" by Art Steinmetz
'06/05/2010 - Pareto if Label = 1 --> show cumulated % if label=2 --> show individual %
'06/05/2010 - Heatmap, if color code left empty, use background color of "color" cells from colorscale range
'12/05/2010 - Add ColorRange to Barchart ---> each bar can have a specific color - Based on Ramesh code
'12/05/2010 - Add possibility to use background color of cell for Barchart. Cell must be empty or non numeric
'14/05/2010 - Reviewed legend display for CascadeChart
'17/05/2010 - Added BumpChart UDF
'18/05/2010 - Corrected PieChart grouping for 0%
'03/06/2010 - Corrected HorizonChart() when values = all negative
'03/06/2010 - Corrected AreaChart() when consecutive Zeros
'17/06/2010 - Added Transparency and DiameterRatio to Piechart
'18/06/2010 - Added ColorRange to Bullet and RevBullet... Rasta colors everywhere !
I am currently working on the manual, to include all those changes... and on the Excel 2003 version.
PS : the "Template" file looks like an empty file... It just contains all the VBA code for SfE to work but does not contain examples of how to use SfE.
I you want to easily share files using SfE formulas in a corporate environment where it is forbidden to install programs on local PCs, the Template file is your solution. Use is as a New blank file, rename it keeping the .xlsm extension and share it as any other XL file.