Here is the change-log :
'24/06/2010 - Corrected FunctionWizard behavior for some functions (wrong counting of letters in formula) in SpraklinesSheetActions
'30/06/2010 - Modified Boxplot so Points can be entered not only as a Range but also as an Array {1;2;3}
'24/07/2010 - Added control for negative values in BulletChart & RevBulletchart
'24/07/2010 - Corrected call for DrawTarget in BulletChart & RevBulletchart
'13/08/2010 - Added in StackedChart : If Points.Cells(i).Value = 0 Then TextLabel = ""
'13/08/2010 - Added Targets to Barchart, possibility to add target value for each bar value
'17/09/2010 - Added VerticalFlip parameter to LineChart
'14/10/2010 - Changed FontSize algorithm in Treemap, to maintain visual hierachy (does not work OK)
'21/10/2010 - Piechart : If Val(Application.Version) >= 12, in order to handle properly piecharts in XL2010 (Version = 14)
'04/01/2011 - Assign Ctrl+Alt+F5 & Ctrl+Alt+F6 to display / hide Sparklines menu
'04/01/2011 - as default in Xl2007 template file, Sparklines menu will be hidden
'05/01/2011 - Modified text size algorithm in Treemap()
'07/01/2011 - Changed scaleXY to scalexy (low caps) as it erased existing formula
'08/05/2011 - Changed Barchart Target behavior (Thicker and smaller tick)
'08/05/2011 - Changed refresh routine --> call procedure DrawCharts
'21/09/2011 - Modified Heatmat so it works w/ merged cells
'26/09/2011 - Added label, tooltip and hyperlink to Heatmap
'27/10/2011 - Created GanttChart