Few changes except that BeanPlot() is available in the Distribution menu.
The 2nd parameter, Bins, represents the number of "slices" you want to divide the data into.
For large datasets, Bins=10 works nice. As you will play with it, you'll find out that the calculation time increases dramatically with a higher number of bins.
The list of parameters is as follow :
Mandatory Serie1 As Variant
Optional Bins As Integer
Optional ScaleStart As Variant
Optional ScaleEnd As Variant
Optional Vertical As Boolean
Optional HighlightValue As Variant
Optional ShowMedian As Boolean
Optional ColorScheme1 As Long
Optional Serie2 As Variant
Optional ColorScheme2 As Long
So far the 2 last parameters related to a second serie of data are not used.
Downloads :
Happy Xmas !
Tab in the template is not auto-hidden as before. Any chance this would be introduced back again?
Thanks so much!
Your so great,
This is really going the right direction as it allready does as long as it exists.
Keep going doing so good work.
Waiting for the 64-bits version
One functionality that would be great is a 'Zoom in on mouse over' sparkline picture, and out when not over. Any thoughts about that?
... http://www.sqldrill.com/excel/programming-vba-vb-c-etc/429259-zoom-zoom-out-picture.html
Fabrice, so is there a way to make the latest version of the templates to auto-hide on launch as before? I mean, I wouldn't mind doing it even manually as well just to make it work...
I have problem with downloading any sparklines file from Box. I get the message that item is either unavailable for me or was deleted. Any ide why?
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