SfE Forum

SfE users now have the possibility to share files and tips, give constructive feedback or suggest improvements on a forum I just set  up. Follow the link.

I am quite curious about SfE's community, Who are you ? How do you use SfE ? Let's share ...


Duleep Samuel said...

Can you please make one excel 2010 spreadsheet with examples for the commands for SFE, It will be very useful when I download and play with it, thanks Samuel, IIHR, Bangalore, India. dksamuel@gmail.com

鲁路 said...

Thanks Edward's comtribution, I've look for such tool for long time.
Agree Samuel's point, can you give us a 2010 spreadsheet with examples for the commands for SFE? It will be Great! Thanks, Shawn,Lean, Suzhou, China, dreamxjl@gmail.com

Lex Lim said...

Always like sparkline ...... keep up Edward! Hopefully the manual can be updated soonest!

Unknown said...

I love sparklines! Especially all the variations like bullet graphs, bean plots, scatter charts and box-plots.

I'm curious - how can I get the "Sparkline" tab to always show up on my ribbon every time I open my Excel application?

Also, when sharing a document with people who do not have the sparkline addin (some who have Excel versions dated 2003-2007), how can I get a drop down tab connected to bar graphs to work? The workbook contains our division dashboard. I work with a health and wellness company.

Thanks!! :)

Anonymous said...

I needed to present a list of simple financial comparisons and found sparklines. It's excellent - far better than Microsoft's implementation.
Peter A